The Iditarod is a dog sled race that takes place every March in Alaska. It is sometimes called the "Last Great Race." Although the race is over 1150 miles long, the race is officially 1,049 miles, since Alaska is the 49th state in the USA . The Iditarod trail goes from Anchorage to Nome. There is a northern route and a southern route; these are used on alternate years (north in even-numbered years). The race starts on the first Saturday in March and takes about 10 days to complete. The winning musher (dog sled racer) takes home a large cash prize; the last musher to finish the race extinguishes (and wins) a red lantern at the finish line.

Fun information about the IDITAROD

Map & Checkpoints
Weather at the checkpoints

History of the race
The Great Serum run
The true story of Balto

Alaska sunrise and sunset throughout the year

Iditarod vocabulary

49 things you didn't know about AlaskaWorld Map
How BIG is Alaska
Facts about Alaska Iditarod Facts and Trivia

Sled Dogs - More than meets the Eyes
A Sled Dog Adventure
Kids Do Science - Sled Dogs
Meet Dallas Seavey's SLED DOGS

Iditarod Dream - read aloud
Woodsong - Read aloud